Living your life well planned


6 Principles for Success



Adam Vincent Gilmer is a sought after marketing and branding consultant. Adam is a multi-million dollar earner in the Direct Sales & Network Marketing Industry. He is also the Executive Producer of a movie inspired by the bestselling book "Think & Grow Rich"  by Napoleon Hill, Adam has products distributed and retailed through major retail and convenience stores like 7-Eleven (7/11) and wholesale buying clubs like Costco.


Life's Planning System

Using the 80/20 Mindset and living a healthy balanced life

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80/20 365

Learn The logic behind finding your 20% that will make your days more productive, efficient and happier.

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8020365 Customer Testimonials

I want to thank you for the 8020365 3-day Workshop and LIfe Planning System. I’ve been through lots of great programs and have read lots of books. Still that last, and most important, inch was missing. The piece that makes it all go in your life. 8020365 filled that gap. 

I appreciate that this isn’t just a time management system… but a life management system. Even on the days when I’m off my routine, the philosophies that I’ve learned are with me. 

8020365 really helped me zero in on my purpose and what’s most important to me. It helped me to use that information to build a plan for the next 5 years of my life. And you helped me to identify the less-important “80’s” that were sucking time from my ability to reach my goals. 

I’ve completed the 3-day workshop twice. Since going through the program I am now infinitely faster at identifying things that are not aligned with my purpose, values and plan and eliminating them. 

I believe that 8020365 has given me an important foundation on which to achieve my true greatness.

Thank you so much for being obedient to your view!

Gray (Terrence Gray)

I attended my first 8020365 seminar in August 2015 in Houston, TX. I had no idea what I was signing up for when I registered for the seminar. I had a lot of fear going into it… fear of the unknown. After completing the first day, I was still anxious and nervous as to what the remainder of the weekend would bring. I must say by day 3 my whole outlook on my life had changed. It transformed how I think as well as my perception about everything. I really appreciate that we were able to share heartfelt moments with the group. We were very much able to learn from each other, but also learn from you as to why you’ve had the success you’ve had. This was more than a “Jeunesse Business” training. The tools that we were given have equipped me to manage our practice much better, have better relationships as well as be a better person. My focus in life has changed., I truly have discovered my purpose. I enjoyed my first experience so much that I attended another seminar in January 2016 and had someone else go with me. I highly recommend to my group that they attend a seminar. It has been life changing…

Thank you Adam for how much you have poured of yourself into our group. Your belief in me has been such a blessing. 

Marsha Terry, MSN RN

The 8020365 3-day workshop is absolutely amazing. 

I have attended the  8020365 3-day workshop for 2 times in a row.

It is definitely a must in life. Adam is a great person that is willing to show others how to succeed.

It is very touchy and inspirational. You get to connect very close with others in the workshop. You learn that all obstacles in life are just small stones in the path to success.

I highly recommend this to anyone that wants to achieve financial goals, time, freedom, and wants to be able to help others succeed. 

If I have another opportunity I will again attend. It is definitely worth my time. 

Fatima Barajas

Thank you for taking your time to do the 80/20/365 training for us. I have always been the most disorganized person I know. Since going to the workshop, I have a new level of belief, extra courage, and you help with my fears and for sure helped with my organization. I have spent thousands on training through the years but you helped me know I can do it. Thank you for all that you do for your team.

Vickuy Kauffman

The 3-day workshop is life changing. The title of the class is exactly what defines the lessons, 8020365. You will find a NEW YOU! THe value is far greater than the one time fee for the training costs. FEAR-False Evidence Appearing Real, becomes so very true in so many ways. You will learn how to overcome yourself, which can be your biggest obstacle. The 3 day education and experience will change your entire belief system.

Danny Shipp


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