8020365 PODCAST - Episode 6 "5 Year Objectives and Goals"

February 14, 2020

8020365 PODCAST - Episode 6


On this episode we’ll be dealing with how to determine and set up your 5-year objectives and goals within the “Wheel of Life” which we talked about in previous episodes along with your “Purpose Statement” and the “7 Habitudes.” While a 5 year objectives and goals plan may sound scary, Adam will literally hold your hands on this exciting journey and show you what you have to do, where to begin and exactly what you have to do to get started and continue on this long-term journey. This is the 80-Thousand-foot over-view of your life and its where Adam reveals how to incorporate the previous lessons learned into this incredible, life-changing plan designed just for you. Fasten your seatbelt. Things are about to get exciting. Remember, come back every week for a new episode or watch the videos on Adam’s website 8020365.com. And tell the people you love in your life to join the free program with you. It’s simple and easy and life changing for the better.

Listen to the podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify.

5 year objectives podcast

5 year objectives podcast

Video was recorded from a live webcast, please excuse the low video quality.

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